Care and Membership Committee 

The Care and Membership Committee attends to the health and vitality of the meeting community as a whole and of its individual members. This committee meets regularly and is responsible for knowing the individuals and families in the meeting and becoming aware of their particular needs and challenges.
The committee often considers sensitive matters, and its members are expected to embrace confidentiality, discretion and tact as part of their charge.

The committee develops a variety of approaches in order to attend to the needs of all members and attenders. The committee considers those new to the meeting, families with young children, teens and young adults, older Friends, those facing changes in family structure or financial security, those who are challenged by substance abuse or mental illness, and those with chronic or serious illness. 

The Care and Membership Committee also deals with such special circumstances as marriage, membership, youth, or loss and bereavement.

The committee establishes a process to assist and encourage individuals requesting membership. The committee meets with applicants to explore their interest, understanding of Friends ways, and spiritual journey. Transfers of membership are facilitated by the committee, which also encourages members who live at a distance or have become inactive to re-evaluate their membership status. The committee maintains a list of members and active attenders together with their contact information, and regularly checks this list with that of the meeting recorder.