Special Events and Discussions at Unami Meeting

March 16 2025 - We will share current information of CO Issues for our Quaker youth, their parents, interested Unami members and attenders. Online and webinar resources will be discussed. 

February 16 2025 - Quaker Dialog will inform our discernment of experiences, thoughts, and suggestions for Intergenerational Worship at Unami Meeting.  We especially hope that families and children will help in this discernment. 

December 22 2024, 5:00pm - Unami Seasonal Celebration. Please plan to arrive close to 4:45.  All are invited to share a gift in whatever form they chose: song, story, poem, etc. Please bring a dish for a Potluck Dinner as we gather after rise of Meeting.

October 27 2024, 9:30 - Marianne Lynch from Open Link will update us on activities and programs offered by Open Link. She will also update us on the CodeBlue work in Pennsburg. We will share a Potluck Lunch at the rise of Meeting for Worship following the discussion.

September 22, 9:30 - Worship Share about how we spiritually address the difficulties of election season. Let’s gather and talk/process the election outside of meeting for worship so that we have a place to put those thoughts.

June 20 2024, 6:30 pm - Unami Ad Hoc Committee on Safety encourages members and attenders to join in on a Hybrid Meeting. The committee will explain the 
process in discerning revisions to the Child Safety Policy as well as our intent to expand the Safety Policy to include all members, attenders, and visitors.

April 21 2024, 9:30am – Discussion on Poverty by America by Matthew Desmond, he suggests that a lot of us benefit from poverty by consuming cheap goods, investing in the stock market either directly or indirectly, enjoying tax breaks like mortgage interest deduction and wealth transfer savings, and illustrates how we try to protect those investments. Desmond shows readers how our country does much more to subsidize affluence than to alleviate poverty. He challenges readers to become part of the solution. We ask that you read the book (a copy is available at the Meetinghouse) and/or listen to an interview with Ezra Klein (link below.) We will discuss the contents of the book then move into brainstorming how we might individually and collectively become “poverty abolitionists.”

March 17 2024, 9:30am – W&M committee will facilitate a discussion to review and respond to PYM Queries regarding the Spiritual State of Unami MM.

March 10 2024, 9am - Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business. SPECIAL NOTE: We will pause Business Meeting at 10am to join Meeting for Worship with PYM Spring Continuing Sessions and will resume our Meeting for Business after 11am. (To join the PYM MFW, Friends on Zoom will need to close out the Unami Zoom Session and sign on to the “All Together Meeting for Worship” using the link provided to them when they register for the PYM Spring Continuing Sessions. See the flyer attached to this month’s newsletter mailing.)

February 25 2024, 9:30am – Discussion to discern Unami’s recommendations to the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) for priorities for the next legislative session. The discussion will be led by Joyce Moore.

December 17 2023, 5:00pm Unami Seasonal Celebration. Please plan to arrive close to 4:45. Childcare will be provided. All are invited to share
a gift in whatever form they chose, song, story, poem, etc. Please bring a dish for a Potluck Dinner as we gather after rise of Meeting.

October 29 2023, 9:30am Care and Membership will lead a discussion regarding "Right order at the end of life: a look at some aspects of old age and dying."
We will share information on getting your affairs in order, hospice Friends Memorial services, and the latest on green burial. The discussion is intended to be informative to older people and adult children of older people.

October 15 2023, 9:30am Melinda Wenner-Bradley, PYM Director of Program and Religious Life, will lead us in discernment regarding the question of how
Intergenerational Meeting for Worship could expand in practice at Unami.

03/16/2025 9:30am
We will share current information of CO Issues for our Quaker youth, their parents, interested Unami members and attenders. Online and webinar resources will be discussed. 

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Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


Visiting Unami for the First Time?

If you've never attended a Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.   

Many have found help in viewing the "introductory" videos (below) to answer questions that might arise in expectation of a Quaker Meeting for Worship.   

Here's what to expect

What do we do in silent worship?

We come together in silence:
To listen to the Spirit
To grow in our faith
To support each other
To help one another follow the Light within.

Our time together looks like:

Sitting quietly together, adults and children
Speaking as moved by the Spirit
Shaking hands when worship ends and greeting those around us



Quaker worship is based on silent waiting, where we expect to come into the presence of the Divine. In this living silence, we listen for the still, small voice that comes from the Divine through the Inward Light.

The essential experience of Friends is that of a direct, unmediated relationship with the Divine. Friends have used many terms or phrases to refer to the inner certainty of our faith: the Light Within, the Inner Light, and that of God in every person.

On Speaking in Friends Meeting for Worship:

  • Allow yourself time to settle into silence.
  • Refrain from preparing messages in advance. A message should come from the Spirit.
  • If a message comes to you, consider whether it is for you alone or to be shared with others.
  • Before you offer vocal ministry, allow time to elapse for a previous message to speak to the Light in others.
  • Speak briefly and from your personal spiritual experience.
  • Speak only once.
  • When you speak, speak so that all can hear you.
  • Be careful about speaking in reply to another's message. Forums and discussions can happen elsewhere. However, themes sometimes do emerge in Meeting for Worship.

Most Quaker meetings, at least in this part of country, are so-called "unprogrammed" meetings.
This means that our meetings for worship are not led by a minister, but are largely conducted in silence.  Typically, a Clerk or other Member of the Meeting will close worship with a simple "Good morning friends" but otherwise the meeting may be completely silent. 

Videos for Newcomers


My First Time at a Quaker Meeting
Quaker Silence QuakerSilence-Thumb-TITLE-862x
What Attracts Newcomers to a Quaker Meeting what-attracts-newcomers-quaker
What Do Quakers Believe
Glossary of Common Quaker Terms quaker-glossary-terms-FB3
How Quaker Meeting Changed My Life how-quaker-meeting-changed-my-


Insight Support, 10/15/2019